Khormah Maloos | Persian Dates and Eggs

Khormah Maloos | Persian Dates and Eggs
Khormah Maloos | Persian Dates and Eggs |

This delicious and comforting dish is a favorite of mine not only because of it’s simplicity and flavor combination but also for the memories I have eating it growing up. Khormah Maloos was one of the few dishes that my dad would make, and it was one of his favorite things to eat himself. If there was ever a time when he needed a quick meal – so many times it would be this satisfying and energizing meal of sweet caramelized dates and sunny side up eggs. We refer to sunny side eggs as “Neemroo” in Farsi (the official language of Persians) – but Khormah Maloos I believe is an old Kordi way to say it – and I love calling it that.

Persian Dates |

The recipe is super simple, basically to lightly caramelize the dates in a pan with a little ghee, butter, or oil for a few minutes – the dates can burn quickly so a gentle heat is great. Then crack the eggs in carefully to not break the yolks. Salt to your liking and garnish with walnuts or a dusting of cinnamon if you’d like. Even in its simplest form, Khormah Maloos has a lot of flavor and a treat to eat.

Khormah Maloos Breakfast | Persian Dates and Eggs
Khormah Maloos Breakfast | Persian Dates and Eggs

Learn more about dates and Persian culture in episode #19 in the Modern Persian Food podcast available here or any podcast downloading site.

Modern Persian Food Podcast
Modern Persian Food Podcast

Khormah Maloos | Persian Dates and Eggs

Khormah Maloos | Persian Dates and Eggs


  • 6 pitted dates, sliced vertically
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon ghee, butter, or oil
  • 1 Tbsp chopped walnuts (optional)
  • Sprinkle of ground cinnamon (optional)


  1. Heat ghee, butter, or oil in a saucepan on medium heat.
  2. Add dates and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring often.
  3. Crack eggs into pan gently, ideally not breaking the yolk.
  4. Season with salt to taste, and cook until egg whites are set.
  5. Add chopped walnuts or sprinkling of cinnamon if you'd like.
  6. Enjoy!


Eggs can be cracked in a small bowl first to avoid egg shells getting into pan.

Here is my Dad with my daughter in 2015.

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