Persimmon French Toast

Persimmon french toastPersimmons are one of my favorite fruits.  Not only because they are bright orange and heart shaped, but they are super sweet and perfect for brunch when paired with french toast.

There are two kinds of persimmons, the Fuyu and Hachiya.  The most notable difference between the two types are their appearance and when you eat them.  Fuyu persimmons can be eaten when firm, like an apple, and look shorter and flatter than the Hachiya.  The Hachiya persimmons are more round in shape and  have a pointed end, however they are only edible when ripe and fully soft.

You can expect to see persimmons or “Khormah-loo” (literal translation = date-plum) at any Persian home when they are in season.  They will be either featured on an afternoon fruit plate following tea, or perched along a windowsill ripening in the sun.  Families with persimmon trees will often offer the bounty to friends and neighbors, or make jams to preserve the fruit for later enjoyment.

Like pomegranates, persimmons are in season in the fall and early winter.  They are a versatile fruit and can be used in both sweet dishes for breakfast or dessert, or paired with cheese and bitter greens for a savory salad or appetizer.  They offer a ton of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and considered a super fruit in many cultures.

For my Persimmon French Toast, I placed cross sections of persimmon fruit over slices of whole wheat french toast.  The bread was dipped in an egg and milk mixture and then pan fried until golden brown.  I drizzled maple syrup on top for an added sweetness without over powering.  A simple and satisfying meal to start the day off right!       


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