Thanh’s Classic Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are a relatively new discovery for me. I’ve always known about deviled eggs but I never really had them growing up and was honestly a little scared of them. Don’t get me wrong – I eat eggs – all the time, but hadn’t really had a ton of eggs devil style. Some of my close friends and family members swear by them so I started giving them a try and boy, they are quite delicious!

Table platter of deviled eggs

To my delight, they are super easy to make as well! Thanh shared with me her classic recipe on a festive Spring Day down in Playa del Rey. I can’t wait to play around with different ingredients for an ethnic, or spicy, or sweet twist!! Thanks for sharing Thanh!

Thanh’s Classic Deviled Eggs:
Ready for some deviled eggs

We started by hard boiling the eggs on the stove. Thanh’s perfect technique is to place the raw eggs in a pot of cold water, along with a tablespoon of salt, on high heat.

Raw eggs


Once the water comes up to a boil, remove from the heat, cover, and let sit for 11 minutes exactly.Cover boiled eggsAfter 11 minutes, rinse the eggs under cold water and de-shell once cool enough to handle. Viola! Perfectly hard-boiled eggs! The best thing about boiling the eggs this way is that they’re not over cooked (evidence when the yolk gets a green-ish hue to the edges) and they are a perfect happy yellow color 🙂

Remove shell from eggsOnce shelled, slice the eggs lengthwise with a sharp knife into 2 halves. Pop the yolks into a bowl and go ahead and start to assemble the egg whites in your platter. As a deviled egg expert, of course Thanh has a specific platter for just the occasion!

pop out the egg yolksTo the egg yolks, we added about a tablespoon of mayonnaise, a few teaspoons of mustard (Dijon or yellow is fine), salt, pepper, and the key ingredient: 1-2 tablespoons of juice from a jar of pickles! What I learned is that you can use any pickling liquid – pepperoncino’s, capers, cornichon, are all good options!

Egg YolksSmoosh and mix the ingredients together until they turn into a creamy paste. We had to add a little more mayonnaise to get the consistency right.

Smooshed egg yolk mixtureIf you have and want to use a piping bag to squeeze the yolk filling into the egg whites, go right on ahead. For the rest us, a zip-top bag works just as well! If you are out of bags – you can easily just use a spoon and scoop the filling in.

Egg mixture in zip top bagWe filled the zip-top bag with the filling and pushed it down to one corner, clipped the corner off and we were in business! Squeezing the bag was just as much fun as it looks! I managed to get a good technique down and was pretty impressed with myself!

Squeezing the yolksThe best part is that we had exactly enough filling for the eggs. We didn’t have any extra, nor were we short. Funny how it all works out!

Deviled EggWe sprinkled a little paprika on top for a little added color and punch of flavor, and served with some pickle slices for a garnish.
Platter full of deviled eggs

They were delicious and I can’t wait to make them again and again! I might just have to buy my own Deviled Egg serving platter!!

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