Washington Square Park Pastrami Picnic

Pastrami Picnic

I love picnics.  I am always up for packing a lunch, grabbing a blanket, and heading out to the park.  During the warmer months, NYC parks are filled with festivals, movies, or live music everyday of the week.  From Central Park’s Sheep’s Meadow all the way to the East Village’s Thompson Square Park, you can always find a patch of grass to sit on and enjoy the view.

Situated in the heart of Greenwich village, Washington Square Park bustles with artists, musicians, and people.  It’s triumphal arch and monumental fountain make it one of my favorite places, and I will likely go out of my way just to walk through it.

For my picnic, I made a hearty Pastrami hero and a refreshing salad of Tomato and Cannellini beans.  The sandwich had a little kick of horseradish creme on the fresh roll, while the balsamic and fresh parsley added a sweet tanginess to the salad.  I split the salad between 2 little mason jars for ease of transport which doubled as a perfect eating vessel.

It was a perfect weekend afternoon, listening to some live tunes, laying out on Washington Square park’s green grass.

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